PVD piston rings: long life – high fuel economy

Nowadays PVD rings are used successfully for numerous applications. They are being used in commercial vehicles which have a required mileage of more than 1 million miles and modern highly stressed automobile diesel engines.
Nowadays PVD rings are used successfully for numerous applications. They are being used in commercial vehicles which have a required mileage of more than 1 million miles and modern highly stressed automobile diesel engines.
PVD technology is increasingly being used in conventional petrol engines. Its high wearresistance maintains the ring shape over a longer period of time. For instance this allows a reduction of the ring tension of PVD coated oil control rings which in turn results in considerable friction benefits.
Based on the innovative PVD technology NPR of Europe can offer low friction and highly wear-resistant piston rings.
In this way NPR of Europe contributes greatly towards more economical and durable engines!